Quality Aggregate in Stoughton
Coderre & Sons Construction Ltd. was founded in 1945 by W.H. Coderre, and runs as a family owned and operated business. Our company is committed to safety, and has been a part of the COR™ safety program since 1999. This program is based off of the guidelines of the Heavy Construction Safety Association of Saskatchewan Inc. We are also committed to providing you with quality products delivered on a timely basis, so contact us today.
Sand Products
2mm minus brick sand for brick, stone, masonry, stucco work, golf courses & playgrounds
6mm minus concrete sand
5mm minus bedding sand for backfilling pipelines & tank pads
5mm minus sand/salt mixture for ice control on winter roads & streets
Screened Gravel Products
Traffic gravel for secondary roads
Iron free filter gravel for backfilling water wells
Traffic/compaction gravel for oil leases & lease roads
Crushed Gravel Products
¾”, 7/8”, 1” or 1 ½” crushed traffic gravel
Type 33 base gravel for compaction
1 ½” crushed gravel for oilfield lease roads & leases
Type 117 or 118 seal coat aggregate for sand sealing
Type 71 asphalt aggregate for paving
Crushed Rock Products
¾” or 7/8” crushed concrete rock for ready mix drainage rock or backfilling poles
1 ½” or 2” crushed rock ballast CP or CN spec
3/8” crushed fines, reject or tailings for compaction
Screened Rock Products
1/8” to ¾” for backfilling underground tanks
Radon (drainage) rock for basement floors
2” to 5” screened rock to repair soft spots on roads & streets
6” to 24” rock for erosion control, riprap for culverts & bridges
Landscape Products
Topsoil and all sizes of sand, screened and crushed rock as well as large feature (decorative) rocks.
In addition to our crushing, screening, and processing equipment, we have a material testing lab and are able to produce any type of specific material.